
Hearing god's heart in divorce
by Lori Fry
Marriage was designed by God to reflect the oneness we have with Him. Too often that oneness is not experienced by many in broken marriages. Does God insist His children stay in abusive, neglectful, or irreconcilably broken marriages at any cost? Does reconciliation necessarily mean the marriage survives?There are always going to be marriages that do not survive. As tragic as it is, God’s mercy and grace is always available for those suffering spouses through the provision of divorce.
In Hearing God’s Heart in Divorce we not only look at what Scripture says about divorce, but also focus on God’s character, heart, and intent for His children. Let’s acknowledge the wonderful truth Holy Spirit speaks to each of us, and through Him we discover forgiveness and new beginnings are not only possible, but even His Plan A.
This expanded and updated version is now available in both paperback & Kindle version on Amazon.

double souled
exploring passivity in men
by Rick Fry
As passive men, we suffer from a multi-layered disconnect from being the unique men God designed us to be. Why am I so unacceptable? Why am I so unlovable? Why am I always left behind? What is this curse that boils out of control in my mind and in my heart? I don't know who I am. The passive man's cry is, “Somebody help me, but don't get too close.”
Find Rick's revised book soon on Amazon.
what we're reading
Andrew Farley andrewfarley.org
The Naked Gospel
God Without Religion
and many more
John Lynch johnlynchspeaks.com
On My Worst Day
Ralph Harris ralphharris.org
God's Astounding Opinion of You
Malcolm Smith malcolmsmith.org
The Power of the Blood Covenant
This Son of Mine
Wayne Jacobsen lifestream.org
He Loves Me
Beyond Sundays
Joseph J Pote josephjpote.com
So You are a Believer...Who has Been Through Divorce
Paul Ellis escapetoreality.org
The Gospel in 10 Words
Gretchen Baskerville
The Life-Saving Divorce
Beth Allison Barr
The Making of Biblical Womanhood
Natalie Hoffman
Is it Me? Making Sense of Your Difficult Marriage
All the Scary Little Gods
Tiffany Yecke Brooks
Gaslighted by God - Reconstructing a Disillusioned Faith
Holy Ghosted - Spiritual Anxiety, Religious Trauma, & the
Language of Abuse
William Paul Young
The Shack
Frank Viola frankviola.org
Reimagining Church
Pagan Christianity?
Insurgence - Reclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom
Josh Packard, PH.D & Ashleigh Hope
Church Refugees
Sheila Wray Gregoire
The Great Sex Rescue ​
Nabeel Qureshi
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus
Steve Eden
The True You
The Absolute Worthlessness of Worry
Jeff VanVonderen
The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse
Tired of Trying to Measure Up
Philip B. Payne
The Bible vs Biblical Womanhood
David Instone-Brewer
Divorce & Remarriage in the Bible
Julie Zine Coleman
On Purpose - Understanding God's Freedom for Women
Through Scripture
Nijay K. Gupta
Tell Her Story - How Women Led, Taught, & Ministered in the
Early Church
This is not an exhaustive list, nor do we necessarily agree with everything in these books.
However, we do trust Holy Spirit to speak to you as you read.